“In all of my work I strive to reach a balance between design and idea and hope that in each piece there is just enough left unstated to evoke more personal interpretations.”
image: Finding the Narrative, a compilation created for a 2020 solo exhibit at Summit Artspace, Akron, Ohio
Artist Joan Colbert works in a mix of media with an emphasis on printmaking, painting and collage. Whether working with a specific subject for a client or imagining the visual interpretation of a written passage, she always strives for an ambiguity that invites personal interpretation from the viewer.
Inspired by literature and influenced by her environs, she often produces works that are thematic and include appearances of her favorite motifs: blackbirds and bare trees.

Herbal Roulette
relief print
“Amateurs fooling with plants in the parsley family are playing herbal roulette.”
Steven Foster and James A. Duke, A Field Guide to Medicinal Plants
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